We are happy to introduce our new computer software FIMSpro for monitoring factory performance. The software is user friendly and easy to use. The software will be tailor made to your factory needs with the report fields custom made to your specifications thus enabling you to get only the reports that you require in a form that you understand and at the time you need them. You will appreciate FIMSpro capabilities for improved efficiency in your factory’s information management.


Below are some of the features of the program:


We have used buttons to aid the user in maneuvering within all the fields. All you have to do is to click the required field and the button will take you there!


The input areas are very easy to understand and use since they incorporate the use of drop down menus. During data entry, all the user has to do is to click on a field and then use the drop down list to enter data, thus minimizing on typing time. A Pop-up calendar is used to help the user in selecting in the correct date. The Description and the Category columns / fields of the downtime will be automatically updated from the database.

Daily Downtime Input

The Machines and the Downtime Codes are all listed in the drop down menus and the user just chooses the machine and the code from the list. After the downtime in minutes is keyed in, the information is ready for transfer into the database through the Submit button.

Production Input

The Product Codes are also listed in the drop down menus for the user to select the appropriate product.


After the data input as described above, the reports are generated automatically by the computer program. Customized reports can still be added to the report areas as per the client’s needs. They will be tailor made such that they give the client information they feel would be most crucial as regards decision making for the factory.


The reports are in raw data and in form of graphs, bar charts, pie charts and cover the following indices:-

– Schedule attainment (Percentage of Production Plan Achieved)

– Time losses analysis by categories (Downtime Losses, Speed Losses and Quality Losses)

– Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

– Labour Productivity

– Material yields

– Energy Statistics

Advantages of FIMSpro

– User friendly

– Presentation is much easier as it is complete with data, graphs, bar charts and pie charts

– Efficient program with reports that can be put on Company network

– User can pick any reporting period by using an inbuilt calendar and view instant reports for the period selected

The user selection of any reporting periods as required is a very important feature for performance management. A demonstration for this computer program can be arranged any time at convenient to the client.

We hope that the program meets your needs and look forward to doing a demonstration to show the program’s capabilities.