Resource Plan-Scope of Services (Land and Water Management)
• Water resources management – Planning, implementation and evaluation of projects, technologies, policies and institutional issues, agricultural water, WASH, Water Funds, water towers, technologies and practices
• Natural Resources Management – Land degradation assessment (LADA), sustainable land management (SLM), GIS and remote sensing, rainwater harvesting, soil and water conservation, land use planning; developing catchment management strategies
• Policies and Strategies – Formulation, review and assessment of policies, strategies, legal and institutional frameworks on water and natural resources management.
• Project formulation, implementation and evaluation, development and assessment of national, regional and international projects development
• Climate Change – implementing climate change studies, modelling, climate change, resilience, adaptation and mitigation measures; policies and strategies on climate change
• Irrigation and Drainage – Feasibility studies, design of irrigation systems, development, implementation and evaluation, improving water efficiencies
• Implementing projects on water and land management, irrigation, sustainable agriculture including System of Rice Intensification (SRI), climate change adaptation, developing value chains linking farmers to markets and development projects.
• Strategic planning- Developing Strategic Plans for Government and other organizations
• Action Research – Undertaking scoping studies and applied participatory research on specific issues
• Capacity building of various cadres of stakeholders. Developing training materials, establishing partnerships and workshop facilitation.
• Human Resource Management – Review & design, organization restructuring, staffing and improving work-place efficiencies
• Productivity Improvement- Work Study & Management Consultancy
• Film Production – researching, filming and production of documentary films.